Kelly Thune
Kelly Education Consulting, USA
Title: Sisu To A New You: Self Help Plan for Concussion/mTBI
Biography: Kelly Thune
Sisu (both noun and verb) is a Finnish word that loosely translates to having perseverance, integrity, and tenacity when faced with life’s most significant challenges with an emphasis on short term emphasis, action mindset, and a concept that is emerging in the field of positive psychology. Literature in concussion/mTBI therapy including John Leddy’s April 2019 study regarding concussion and submaximal exercise crossed with the Emilia Lahti’s research on sisu provides the basis of this unique cultural-based self help plan. The polarity of pre-brain injury capacity and post-brain injury capacity provides a basis for change.The inspiring elements of this plan are: Sisu requires confronting your challenges. Sisu is finding enjoyment in discomfort. Sisu demonstrates exercise/training is medicine. Sisu involves the role of reflection. Sisu is learning and reason informed. Sisu is making connections and strengthening relationships (including asking for help.)Sisu is finding balance and purpose, visioning, and doing.